Just Recently our family has found out that we have Jewish Roots, I have taken this news to heart, I have been trying to learn as much as I can, I have even started wearing a yamika, wear it reminds us that God is always over us and is looking out for us. I have found it has strengthened my Faith in Y'shua (Jesus). This past week, Friday, I was able to understand Yom Kippur, (Day of Atonement) which is when all Jewish people on this day was forgiven their sins, temporary, it only lasted one year. I rejoice, because of Jesus, the Messiah my sins are gone forever, permanent , not just for a year, but for good. He paid the price by the Cross, as an atonement for OUR sins.
In the months to come I hope to attend a Messianic Service to experiance a closer look into my roots. This is a short Blog, but I write more in a few days. God Bless